Heartworm Treatments

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There is risk involved in the treatment of heartworms in dogs and there can be complications. Although almost all dogs will easily survive the heartworm treatment and end up being a lot healthier and happier in the long run. One of the first things a pet owner should know is that the most important treatment is prevention. Heartworms can be prevented with the use of heartworm medicine. Unfortunately is your dog is already infected with these terrible parasites, heartworm medicine will be of no help and you must peruse heartworm treatment.

There first step in heartworm treatment is to eliminate the bacteria that help the heartworm survive your pets heart. This harmful bacteria not only is helpful to the parasite but can also be quite harmful to your dog during the heartworm treatment. Fortunately, the bacteria can be easily destroyed with the use of simple antibiotics.

Before you can begin the heartworm treatment, heartworm medicine should be introduced to your pet in order to destroy undeveloped heartworm larva and weaken fully grown heartworms. Your veterinarian will know how long your pet should be on the heartworm medicine before the treatment can begin.
heartworm medicine heartworm medicine for dogs
One your pet has been regularly taking heatworm medicine for a long enough period of time, the treatment can begin. The most effective way to completely eliminate adult heartworms is with the injections of Immiticide, a drug that is made up of arsenic, this is where complications may occur. The Immiticide will be injected deep into the muscle tissue where it can be properly absorbed by the body.

Over the course of a few months the heartworms will begin to die and be absorbed by the dogs body. Once your pet is completely free of heartworms it is very important that heartworm medicine is introduced into their daily life in order to eliminate future infections.

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Heartworm Medicine for Dogs

What are heartworms?

Heartworms (Dirofilaria Immitis) are rather large worms that live in your dogs heart. They can also be found in many other animals although dogs are the most common pet affected by this parasite. This long worm resembles a thin spaghetti noodle and can grow anywhere from six to 10 inches. These destructive parasites can only be treated with proper heartworm medicine.